Tips on How to Organise Your Underwear Drawer

organise your underwear drawer

Taking time to organise your underwear drawer may not seem like the most exciting way to spend an afternoon but trust me when I say it’ll leave you feeling satisfied and it’ll save time in the long run. If you’re anything like me, when you first move into a new house, you set up your drawers very neatly – bras have their place, everyday briefs have their place and sexy lingerie has its place.

Whether it’s the morning rush of shoving things aside to look for that one particular pair of undies or rushing to put away laundry, it doesn’t take long for all that work to go out the window and your panties end up in one big, crumpled pile. So here are some tips to help you organise your underwear drawer.

How to Organise Your Women’s Underwear

Declutter – the first step is to declutter your briefs. Take everything out and go through your undies one by one. Determine what doesn’t fit or what you don’t wear anymore and dispose of them. Be brutal.

Use dividers – undies dividers may seem odd but think about it, imagine if you could see all your panties when you open your underwear drawer. You won’t have to rummage through piles anymore. If you don’t have a divider, you can achieve a similar level of organisation by rolling your undies instead of folding them. Rolling your undies and standing them upright will also mean you can see everything on display more easily.

Replace – that sexy lingerie you never wear because it’s uncomfortable or those cotton nana knickers that have lost their shape because you wear them too much, replace them with Candis cotton and lace undies that combine comfort and sexy. By investing in Candis lingerie, you won’t have to divide your undies between sexy lingerie and comfortable briefs because you only need your everyday sexy Candis undies.

Categorise – organise your undies into colours. Put your black Alexis with your black Alice and your pink Amity with your pink Angelica.

Make it a habit – Once you’ve put all that effort in, make it a habit. Take time to put away your undies neatly.

Organising your lingerie drawer may seem strange, but you won’t regret it. It’ll make a big difference to your morning routine and keep your undies in nice condition for longer. You’ll also get more wear out of your undies because you can see exactly what you have and choose a new pair every day!