Lockdown Activity – Upcycle Your Old Clothes

I launched Candis pretty underwear because fashion is my passion! With Candis Creations, I’m lucky enough to be able to follow my passion by designing comfortable and pretty lingerie. But I also love to sew in my down time. Candis ladies’ underwear is based in Canberra. Canberra is currently in lockdown. Lockdown was due to end this week but it’s just been extended. So I’m taking this time to upcycle my clothes!
Why you should upcycle old clothes
Australia is the second largest consumer of textiles (after America). Yet, currently, we can’t recycle fabric in Australia like we can plastic and paper. Organisations such as Worn Again Technologies in the United Kingdom are researching ways to recycle textiles. But for now, in Australia, 23 kilograms of clothes per person end up in landfill each year in Australia according to Australian Circular Textile Association Director and Founder, Camille Reed.
So by joining the circular economy, you reduce waste going into landfill and you get a refreshed wardrobe. So it’s win/win!
Upcycle Ideas for Clothes
Start by going through your wardrobe. Find clothes that are still good enough to wear but they need mending (for example, a button has fallen off), could use a refresh or are too big for you. For the items that need mending, mend them! If you don’t have matching material (such as a button), Erin Lewis-Fitzgerald, “repair artist” and teacher, suggests making a feature of the mending. For clothes that need a refresh, why not add a touch of flare with a different fabric. You could cover the collar, cuffs or hem. Personally, I’ve spent the last few days altering clothes that are too big for me but that I still love! I’ve turned size 14 and 16 clothes into size 12 by taking in clothes at the seams and moving buttons.
So if you love to sew and are looking for lockdown activities, upcycle your old clothes! Join the circular economy and have a whole new wardrobe to parade when you can go out of coffee again! I now have two new pairs of shorts, four new skirts and two dresses that I’ll be donning proudly with my Candis lace undies when lockdown ends!