How to Choose the Right Undies for You

Choosing the right undies can be overwhelming. There’s so many different types of women’s underwear to choose from. How do you know how to choose the right pair of ladies’ undies for you? Here’s a handy checklist to help you decide which pair of ladies’ undies to buy that you’ll love.
Undies Shape
There are so many different shapes of ladies’ underwear to choose from. You should choose a pair that you feel comfortable in all day. But the shape also needs to be appropriate for your outfit. No matter how pretty your chosen lace briefs are, it’s better if your pretty underwear doesn’t sit higher than the waistband of your clothes. A great go-to shape is classic briefs such as Candis Amity pretty underwear because they sit high enough to be comfortable but not too high that they’ll show above lower waisted clothes.
Fabric Choice
Once you’ve selected your preferred shape, it’s important to choose appropriate fabric. If you’re looking for everyday undies then cotton is the best option. Cotton is soft against you skin. Cotton is also breathable and absorbent. That’s why Candis ladies’ undies are made from cotton so you can wear them all day, every day.
Shape and fabric are important considerations when it comes to buying comfortable lingerie. But it’s also important to consider chafing. It’s so uncomfortable when your ladies’ underwear chafes and there’s nothing you can do about it until you get home! To avoid chafing, choose ladies’ undies that have soft fabric trim rather than elastic. All Candis pretty underwear is trimmed with soft fabric rather than elastic specifically for this purpose. An added bonus is that the soft fabric trim used in Candis women’s underwear also doesn’t leave an imprint!
A Fully Enclosed Gusset
When you’re buying lingerie, you probably don’t give much thought to the gusset. But it’s an important part to consider because of it’s location. The gusset is the double layer of fabric at the crotch of your pretty underwear. It’s purpose is to provide extra protection. Candis ladies undies have a gusset gusset sewn all the way around so won’t roll and become uncomfortable over time. A fully enclosed gusset is also a quick way of checking the quality of a pair of ladies’ undies. A gusset that’s not sewn all the way around is a shortcut. High quality women’s underwear has a fully enclosed gusset.
Care Label Placement
You probably don’t give much thought to where a care label is placed when you’re choosing your lace briefs. It’s not until you wear them all day that you realise a care label placed at the back tickles! A care label placed at the side avoids this. Much like the placement of Candis care labels. But Candis care labels go one step further. They’re specifically designed to naturally sit towards the back so they don’t ruin the look of your lace briefs.
Feel Good Undies
The final factor to consider when choosing which undies are right for you is to choose pretty underwear that makes you feel good!